Getting Even More Love!

So you and your partner have completed a Getting the Love You Want Workshop and you want more support as you continue to dialogue and grow your conscious relationship. After completing the workshop, some couples look for a therapist to help them continue working on conscious connection, while others simply continue with the dialogue practice on their own. On the other hand, it is sometimes the case that couples never truly establish a regular dialogue practice, nor do they follow up with the many helpful exercises in the workbook, such as creating a relationship vision and engaging in a ‘surprise list’ for one another.

For many couples, dialogue can become a dirty word. It’s another way of saying ‘we have to talk’ rather than an invitation to deepen connection, empathy and love.

Getting Even More Love is a one day refresher for all couples who have completed the full weekend workshop. During the experience, we focus on the positive and rewarding aspects of  the dialogue process. We troubleshoot where the road blocks are showing up, and help couples to establish a positive and fun dialogue practice. We also support & encourage couples to complete their relationship vision and bring positivity and enhanced engagement more regularly into their relationships.

The cost for the day is equivalent to two couples sessions, which is $500.00 CAD per couple. As with all workshops, receipts are available for extended health care plans who cover the services of a registered social worker, or as ‘communications consulting’ for those who are self-employed.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between the workshop and therapy?

The GTLYW workshop is an intensive (though fun) workshop which takes up most of one full weekend. It is often considered equivalent to 3-6 months of regular couples’ therapy. Couples learn new and effective communication tools, and discover at a deeper level why conflict and disconnect occur and what to do about it. During this workshop the facilitators do not spend time with each couple helping them to navigate the uniqueness of their situation. The amount of information shared in the workshop cannot easily be offered in private therapy. In addition there is a profound positive impact which occurs through meeting other couples and understanding the universality of the challenges of being in a committed partnership.

Couples’ therapy can precede the workshop, come after the workshop (or neither or both). IMAGO therapy allows a couple to work privately with a certified IMAGO therapist in order to deepen their understanding of their unique dynamic and relationship. The therapist acts as a facilitator to support the couple in meaningful dialogue to ‘unpack’ their stories, and increase their compassion, understanding and empathy for one another. Typically couples therapy occurs over a period of time…weeks, months and sometimes even years.

Will we have to share what is private about our relationship?
The workshop is not a group therapy experience. While there is lots of evidence to support the value of group work, sharing of intimate information is not required. You will have the opportunity to share how you met, along with some of the positives about your connection. Participants regularly note that while they were anxious in anticipation of a ‘group’ experience, the value of learning alongside others far outweighed these concerns.
Is there a different or separate workshop for same sex partners? Or those who identify as non-binary?

Some workshop presenters do offer same-sex-specific workshops. While Anna & Tim originally intended to do this, they have received feedback that all couples, regardless of orientation, identity, and relationship partner, have felt welcome at their workshops. If you do wish to participate in a same-sex specific workshop, you can visit Imago Relationships North America and search for these. There are some wonderful presenters offering these workshops listed there.

What is the ideal stage of relationship for taking this workshop?
The short answer is “any stage at all”. The longer answer is that depending on the stage of the relationship you are in, you will likely absorb or relate to some parts of the material more than others. This workshop is designed to walk you through the various stages of a relationship in order that you can understand where you are, and how to become increasingly relationally competent! So, whether you are six months into a relationship or have been together for 40+ years, you are welcome and will experience benefits.
Would this workshop be helpful for marriage/committed relationship preparation?

Definitely! One of the components of this workshop is learning the skill of dialogue. Dialogue allows for deeper and more productive communication. All committed relationships require the fundamental and often ignored skills of communication. You will leave this workshop understanding what has drawn you together, and how to navigate a healthy relationship moving forward. Having excellent communication skills will serve you well as you pursue a healthy and respectful life long love together.

My partner is very reluctant to attend with me, do you have any suggestions regarding how to encourage them?

We recognize that there is often one partner who is more keen than the other. We also know that as long as one person in a relationship is experiencing challenges, these need to be addressed. Often the reluctance to attend a workshop has to do with worry about privacy, and the anxiety about being in a ‘group’ setting. You will not have to share any of your relationship details in this workshop. This is a confidential and safe setting. Consider conveying to your partner that you have their back, that you won’t reveal anything that they do not want you to and that you will work privately in your own ‘coupleship’ unless, together, you agree that you do want to share something. Learning in a group setting is one of the most powerful ways to grow. It is wonderful to note the way in which the shared experience of participating in a group workshop helps others to feel ‘normal’ in their struggles, worries, patterns of behaviour etc…