For couples who love travel & adventure

Take your relationship to the next level.

Travel Consciously

How to travel in more conscious connection with one another.

Travel Agents

Do you specialize in travel for couples, romance and experiences for couples?

For couples who love to travel together and want to do each trip better!

Timothy Utting and Anna Gold

No matter…if you are together and have each other’s backs then you will be the couple who allows travel to be a growth opportunity to nourish & replenish your relationship.

Why do you travel together?

If you are asking this question, then you are already on the road to a conscious partnership where travel can be better than ever.

You can travel and adventure together with an increased awareness of the unique needs of your relationship. Discover why sometimes it is magic and other times the frustrations take over. Learn how to have the magic win!

How to travel in more conscious connection with one another.

Quality Time

Travelling is about consciously engaging in an adventure together.

Fun & Adventure

Sharing an exciting and engaging activity while we travel will spark some delicious love drugs!

Shared Experiences

Sometimes we need to alter our reality…our same old day-to-day.

Building Trust

Being in a foreign or unfamiliar place will increase our reliance on one another.

Quality Time

Love Languages matter and although many of us may be spending even more time together in the same space and under the same roof, travelling is about consciously engaging in an adventure together. This offers an opportunity for quality time over quantity time. And quality time brings more connection.

“It doesn’t matter where you’re going;
it’s who you have beside you.”
– Unknown

Fun & Adventure

It is well understood that the romantic phase of a relationship is destined, in fact, designed, to come to an end. Yet there is a lot couples can do to create a ‘Real Love’ romantic connection with the very same partner. Sharing an exciting, engaging, and at times challenging adventure while travelling together will offer these opportunities. Learn how to have one another’s backs and spark some delicious ‘love drugs’.

“As soon as I saw you,
I knew an adventure was about to happen.”
– A. A. Milne.

Shared Experiences

Sometimes we need to alter our reality… our same old day-to-day. Repetition can unintentionally move us into living parallel lives where we don’t consciously connect. Once again… taking a plane, boat, train, or car… and seeking new places and activities will invite us to look at the world with new eyes. And sharing our perspectives on these experiences with one another leads to increased intimacy. Shared experiences are a way to build connections and marvelous lasting memories.

“Travel is not a reward for working, it’s education for living”
– Anthony Bourdain

Building Trust

Being in a foreign or unfamiliar place, if handled consciously, will increase our reliance on one another. Hiking in a new landscape for example may provide opportunities for encouragement and support. ‘I have your back and you have mine’ is a core concept of a healthy relationship. If your coupleship is strong then you will know you are safe and secure as you embark on an adventure together.
“A couple who travels together, grows together”
– Ahmed Fuadi

You are different from each other

And have different interests AND you can still enjoy a shared vacation experience…here’s how…

Learning & Growing Together

You are not the same

You will have differing likes and interests to some degree. Share some of your dreams and fantasies with one another and ask curious questions.


Know how to plan

As with all of what we do, knowing how to plan a successful trip or adventure or excursion together requires healthy and clear communication.


Love is in the air!

Milan, Paris, Portugal, Spain, Greece, Northern Canada, Ireland, Mexico…where have you dreamed of going?

Space for both of your desires and…

the ability to support each other.

We teach couples about travelling and experiencing the world in conscious connection.

In this version of a committed relationship, couples are able to discover how to co-create the experience they desire while exploring new places. Connection and communication are at the heart of all healthy relationships. When couples see the world side by side and through the lens of connection and understanding…love, safety, delight, playfulness, compassion as well as romantic & joyful exploration are all within their reach.

Imagine a world in which you can consciously hold space for your different desires and dreams with empathy, curiosity, and connection.

Travel Agents

Are you a travel agent?

Do you specialize in travel for couples? Talk to us about how to partner around our upcoming retreats. We do not offer all of the add-ons for couples and look forward to inviting you to support our couples with your expertise.

Travel Agents

Create The Vacation &

Relationship of your Dreams

We offer support for couples to learn to love better and create a safe, satisfying, intimate, and healing relationship.